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Lip Lift in Newport Beach, CA

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7 Surgical Procedures

What Is A Lip Lift?

A lip lift is an aesthetic surgical procedure that changes the shape and outline of the lips to create a more appealing, voluminous mouth. Dr. Shabnam Ghazizadeh is an accomplished Newport Beach, CA plastic surgeon specializing in lip lifts and other techniques for enhancing your overall appearance. During your consultation, she will learn more about you, get a better understanding of your aesthetic goals, and help determine if a lip lift procedure is appropriate for you. Schedule a lip lift consultation at Dr. Ghazizadeh MD to learn more about this exciting procedure.

How Does A Lip Lift Work?

There are multiple approaches for a lip lift. Dr. Ghazizadeh will select a technique based on the shape of your mouth and your cosmetic goals. The most common lip lift procedures are:

  • Deep plane lip lift: This is the most advanced lip lift technique and is the performed method that Dr. Ghazizadeh uses. A Sub-nasal lip incision is used at the junction of the nose and the lip. During this surgery, a carefully planned section of skin from beneath the nose is removed. The remaining white lip is detached and raised in the deep plane to allow repositioning without tension. This lifting surgery ensures the most natural appearance and minimal scar. The lips appear larger, increasing the volume of vermilion and emphasizing the Cupid’s bow.
  • Corner lip lift: This technique is used to raise just the lateral corners of the lip through a short incision directly on the lip border where lip liner is typically placed.  This is often done in conjunction with a central deep plane lip lift but can also be done as a separate procedure under local anesthesia. The corner lip lift is designed and tailed to the anatomy to enhance the appeal of the vermilion, or lip line, along the entire length of the upper lip. 
  • Gull-wing lip lift: This approach is mostly historical and removes skin along the entire lip length through an incision on the upper border of the lip itself. This can lead to blunting of the vermillion border and is therefore not typically recommended. 

While lip lift procedures are often subtle, the results they produce are remarkable and quickly noticeable. This technique is commonly used to enhance the Cupid's bow, reshape the lip, and improve proportions of the mid-face. Based upon the technique agreed upon, lip lift techniques can be performed under local or light sedation and may be finished in a matter of minutes or can take up to two hours. Along with minor pain, you can expect bruising and/or swelling the first two weeks after a lip lift surgery. It can take a couple of months for the ultimate outcome of a lip procedure to be totally unveiled. After the swelling and bruising have gone down, you should see noticeable improvement and beautiful results.

Enjoy Lovely, Shapely Lips

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your lips, or have thin, uneven, or misshapen lips, a lip lift at Dr. Ghazizadeh MD can provide enhancements without making it obvious that you've had surgery. Dr. Ghazizadeh has experience creating subtle, natural-looking results that help to improve the overall appeal of the face. Contact our aesthetic practice in Newport Beach, CA to schedule a lip lift consultation, and prepare to kiss your flat lips goodbye.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.