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Laser Skin Resurfacing in Newport Beach, CA

10 Procedures ( View All )
3 Nonsurgical Procedures

What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing at Dr. Ghazizadeh MD is a cutting-edge, noninvasive aesthetic procedure that revitalizes the skin by using pulsating beams of light to eliminate damaged cells one layer at a time. This innovative procedure is effective at reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles and lines and diminishing skin blemishes, including hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and more. Also referred to as a laser peel, laser skin resurfacing is popular for patients desiring softer, clearer, youthful-looking skin. Based on your cosmetic goals and skin needs, Dr. Shabnam Ghazizadeh can adjust your laser treatment for better results. If you have any questions about laser skin resurfacing at our Newport Beach, CA office, contact Dr. Ghazizadeh MD and schedule your skin exam and consultation.

How Do Laser Skin Treatments Work?

Based on your complexion and level of skin damage, Dr. Ghazizadeh may recommend a more or less intensive approach for your laser skin resurfacing treatment. There are three common types of laser peel treatments:

  • Ablative Laser Treatments
    Ablative lasers eliminate thin layers of skin, similar to dermabrasion or a deep chemical peel, with a precision that allows the technician to minimize damage to the skin. Ablative lasers are best for skin tightening, as well as removing acne scars and wrinkles.
  • Non-Ablative Laser Treatments
    Non-ablative laser treatments don't remove any skin — rather, the laser light creates micro-damage to the skin cells to prompt natural healing. Non-ablative treatments are best for minimizing fine lines and wrinkles in patients who are able to wait 2 – 3 months to see strong results.
  • Fractional Laser Treatments
    Fractional lasers are a combination of non-ablative and ablative that create tiny holes in the deep skin layers. The skin's natural healing process leads to firmer skin. Fractional lasers can also be used for deep wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, and pigmentation problems.

For deeper or more intensive laser resurfacing treatments, you may be given a topical retinoid to use for 2 – 3 weeks to prepare your skin and further improve your results. Medication will be given prior to the procedure to help minimize any sensation so you can relax during your appointment. If your skin only needs mild correction, a topical anesthetic may be applied to numb treated areas of the face. For the whole face or more intense laser procedures, some type of sedation may be necessary. During the procedure, you can relax in our treatment chair while the CO2 laser device passes over your skin, directly targeting the designated surfaces for improvement. You will feel heat from the laser, followed by cold air from the built-in cooling system. The laser energy works to eliminate damaged skin cells while also stimulating new collagen growth.

Lighter resurfacing treatments will typically heal over the course of a few days as your skin peels to reveal a rejuvenated appearance. For those who are undergoing a deeper laser treatment, your recovery period will take 2 – 3 weeks. The treated areas may be protected with dressings, and the swelling, burning, and irritation sensation may be stronger. Pain medication can be prescribed to lessen these side effects. Regardless of which treatment you undergo, you should try to reduce exposing your skin to the sun following your resurfacing session and use sunscreen regularly to maintain your results and protect your complexion. It is also important to avoid interfering with the healing process to prevent scarring and to protect your face from sun exposure. After the peeling is finished, the treated skin should feel softer while also appearing rejuvenated, younger, and clearer.

Reveal Softer, Younger-Looking Skin

Laser skin resurfacing can be a fantastic procedure for patients who desire clearer, younger-looking skin. At Dr. Ghazizadeh MD, we're excited to offer this and other groundbreaking aesthetic services to help individuals age gracefully and feel more confident in their appearance. If you are considering cosmetic treatments, like laser peels, and are curious about their benefits, we invite you to call our Newport Beach, CA office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Ghazizadeh.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.